John Frederick Peto ( 1854 – 1907)
Green Book and Lard Lamp
Oil on paper Marouflaged to canvas
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, Gift of MRL, in honor of Alice Walton, 2017.18

John Frederick Peto frequently included familiar objects in his paintings, such as the grease lamp, the pipe, the toothpick, and the book we see here. The intimate scale of the painting, the deliberate placement of objects, and the deep shadow set a tranquility, the setting for an evening of reading.

John Frederick Peto ( 1854 – 1907)
Libro verde y lámpara de grasa
Óleo sobre papel encolado en lienzo
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, Gift of MRL, in honor of Alice Walton, 2017.18

John Frederick Peto frecuentemente incluyó objetos familiares en sus pinturas, como la lámpara de grasa, la pipa, el palillo y el libro que vemos aquí. La escala íntima de la pintura, la colocación deliberada de los objetos y la sombra profunda establecen una tranquilidad, el ambiente para una noche de lectura.