Een Goede Buur

Once upon a time a long, long, time ago, when the world was very young, there was a young woman who had come to this country, with her husband, from the Netherlands. They had left their family behind and come here in hopes of a better life. They were neighbors to my Nana and Grandpa in the Dutch community of Whitensville, Massachusetts in the early 1900s. My Grandparents were also just starting their lives together. This woman had a baby, at home as was done in those times. My Nana helped her, as her mother and sisters would have helped her back in the Old Country. As a thank you, her husband, a sign painter, made this for them. It has been treasured in our family in our family ever since. Nana taught us how to live.

Contributed by: Peggy Bowen
Created by: A neighbor of my Grandparents
Origin: My Grandmother, made in the early 1900s