Forest Spirit Cosplay

This is one of my daughter’s crafts. It was her idea and we made it for her cosplay two years ago. A few years ago , when I went back to my country Myanmar for my mother’s health ,my daughter suffered and missed me a lot. Then I had to go back and froth between my native country and U.S because of my mom’s health condition. One day when I was in Fayetteville, my daughter said she wanted to create some art and asked me to help her. I said” why not “and she was happy I helped her to do it. She drew the sketch on the paper first and then we came up with ideas together on how to make it. We used wire, paper mache, fake flowers, fur and a head band. We took nearly one week to make it. It gave us an opportunity to work together and a lot of enjoyment. It helped build our love and great relationship as mom and daughter. She won a prize of $100 at the cosplay competition. I am so proud of her. It was very meaningful to me and her working together to succeed.

Contributed by: Tin Wai
Created by: Shoon Wai and Tin Wai
Origin: Homemade