Hook Rug (1987)

My Grandmother was an art teacher in the small town of Cobleskill in Upstate New York. She was a potter, weaver, and incredible draftsperson. While not Pennsylvania Dutch herself, she was a big fan of antique Fraktur designs from the Pennsylvania Dutch community and incorporated the style into a lot of her work. She spent much of her time making gifts for family members including vases and painted furniture. When there was a child born in the family, she would make a hook rug to commemorate their birth, using hand dyed local wool, just a few hand tools, and many many hours. This is the rug she made for me, which sits at the foot of my bed.

My grandmother passed away years ago and my family lives all over the country now, but when any of us visit one another, we are bound to be greeted by her distinct artworks, linking us together and creating an added visual sense of comfort which reminds us of our shared history.

Contributed by: Danny Baskin
Created by: Estelle Weinstein
Origin: Cobleskille NY