Little treasures

Fernanda Kanashiro artwork 2 - dried flowers and photograph

I’m Brazilian and I’ve been living in Fayetteville since 2018. In March last year I came to Brazil to visit my family, but as coronavirus spread rapidly, my flight back to the US was canceled and I still can’t go back home to be with my husband. Fortunately I’m staying with my family and enjoying their company, specially my niece Clara. Since my early childhood my parents live in a house in front of a valley, which for us, children, was as an extension from our garden. My brother and I, together with cousins and friends, spent most of our time exploring the place, climbing trees, picking blackberries and flowers. Now, I’m spending the days with my niece in this same valley and it’s been a wonderful and enchanting experience to relive childhood through her eyes. She loves to pick flowers along the way and I love to photograph. I decided to create these simple arts to save those precious moments forever.

Contributed by: Fernanda Kanashiro
Created by: Fernanda Kanashiro