My 2020 Year

hand stitched flower

I had started to do a recreation of a vintage sampler by a 12 year old girl. As I stitched the border I started to ask why I was telling someone else’s story and found my self redoing it to tell of my 2020 year. The house is my townhouse surrounded by the flowers of spring I usually don’t see because I would be traveling. There is a suffragette flag, a polish bottle for missed manicures, coffee on the deck with socially distant friends, my dog, a mask and roll of toilet paper, A C. Jackson Blue Boleyn Bloom that friends and I gathered weekly on Zoom to stitch, words that surrounded me, A Facebook group that read all of Shakespeare together and created a joyous community. A wine glass for Friday night Zoom cocktails with my brother. I cherish this because it is my story and has moved me to do more of my own creation. There was so much pleasure in creating this on linen with silk thread. I must credit Hands Across the Sea for the border, the alphabet and the final bottom statement.

Contributed by: Darcy Walker
Created by: Darcy Walker
Origin: I made it