Softball Snack Bar

My dad crafted this snack bar for me and my roommates while I was playing college softball. At both colleges (Navarro College & LSU-A in Alexandria, La) my parents brought snacks & drinks for our team during games. The snacks were convenient, especially on days we would play 4-5 games back to back because we had little to no time to eat a light meal in between games. This is where the real inspiration came from as the artist recalls making this piece: “I thought it would be a convenient place for your teammates and you to get a snack after a long day of practice”. To me, this piece means much much more than the purpose it serves. This piece reminds me of all the support and love my family have given me (still gives me) and my adopted sisters the 4 years I played college softball. Good times.

This snack bar is still functional today. The top can be unscrewed to hide all the “favorite” snacks or snacks that cannot be held by the clips.

Contributed by: Kaycee Spears
Created by: Jack, my dad
Origin: Oak wood, screws, plastic, clips, created in his barn