Kerry James Marshall (born 1955)
Our Town
Acrylic and collage on canvas
Photography by Vancouver Art Gallery.
Contemporary Art Gallery

Evy Responds to Our Town

EVY KEMMERLY: The artist put the yellow ribbons on the tree to make a statement that there should be peace to everyone. The kids are biking and running down the street in the neighborhood to show that they can do things too. As they're running down the street and as their mama is waving goodbye, four blue birds come flying in with white ribbons in their beak to show that the kids are okay and that the rights are getting better. The way the artist has painted in the grass on the left is very different, but it looks good. So even if something is different, it is beautiful.

This painting makes me feel that it is okay to be different and that you shouldn't try to blend in with the crowd. You should be yourself and not hide it. It also makes me feel that nobody should look at you funny. This painting also makes me feel that if you live in a town or city or a neighborhood that is against who you are, that you should not care and not blend in. You should go out and not be worried about people criticizing you or your family, because if they do, you can stand up to them and say you're not changing. It also makes me feel that it's not only your town, it's our town.


EVY CONTINUES: I think people should see this painting so it might change their perspective of how they feel about different people and change their perspective on say, it's your town and not our town. I love this painting and it's a great painting.

[End of Stop]