Kehinde Wiley ( born 1977)
Portrait of a Florentine Nobleman
Oil on linen
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, 2019.14
Contemporary Art Gallery

Landon Responds to Portrait of a Florentine Nobleman

LANDON SANTIZO: I see a woman that's standing in a lot of flowers, with blue fingernails. I see a woman with a pink dress. I see a woman posing like she's a star. I see a woman being confident. I see a girl with her face expression thinking she's the boss, no one can stop her. I see a woman with high heels that's dressed good. I see a woman being responsible and courteous. I see a woman being respectful. I see a woman getting painted on a portrait. I see a woman that's wealthy. I see a woman making me confident. I see a woman making me responsible. I see a woman making me think more about this portrait. I see a woman that loves tattoos.

I feel when I see this portrait calm, happy, and making me feel like I'm the boss, no one can stop me from making my dream come true.


LANDON CONTINUES: When I see this, it makes me feel courteous and wondering about life more. I see a woman making her dream come true. I feel when I see this, that I'm really smart. [Pause] I feel when I see this painting that I can do anything that I want to do in life. I feel when I see this painting that she can do anything in life, then so can we. I see a woman getting sucked into flowers. I see a woman feeling flowers like she met them and can talk to them.

I feel when I see this, that I'm in a whole world of flowers. When I see each flower, because every flower's different, it reminds me of everybody in the whole world is different. That makes the world special and unique.

[End of Stop]

Tour Conclusion

NARRATOR: As artists continue to create art as a response to our history and our present, we also continue to interpret it ourselves. We all have the opportunity to see what is before us however we choose, and these interpretations are always changing. Having a chance to see works of art through the eyes of someone else can help further our own understanding and give insight into other possible ways of seeing and thinking. We hope the voices on this tour added to your experience with these works of art, and that you were even perhaps inspired to share your own interpretations with others.

[End of Stop]