Stag Beetle

sheet metal in heated pitch

Growing up in the 1950’s, were ads in comic books for drawing scholarships, that I dreamed of winning by drawing the perfect picture. Instead of my dream of being an artist, I earned a degree in biology. After stints of motherhood and work at an aquarium, I answered my creative urges. I picked metals as my medium, not wanting to follow any of my other family member’s choices of art. I fell in love with chasing and repousse. My Italian teacher’s family has been using the same methods since the 1600’s. A sheet of metal is placed in pitch which is heated and allows one to use metal punches to make designs in the metal, goblets, platters or even tins from mint candies. Because I love nature, my subjects are bugs and flowers.

Contributed by: Cheri Tatum
Created by: Cheri Tatum
Origin: Chased and Repousse Argentium Silver Pendant