
side view of Pablo Padgett assemblage

Crafting America speaks to me because 1) I’m in America haha 2) Affirms my “putzing” around, creating Art; legitimatizing it in a way. I love found objects. 10 times out of 10, an Object speaks to me immediately on whether I will use it. It was exciting when my Crafting came off from hanging on the wall, to being standalone pieces: “Verticals.” It is a joy to be assembling, stacking, juxtaposing all this detritus. Whilst in my Studio (read back carport). Happy, carefree, with no concerns on recognition/price point/matching my sofa/ copying Rauschenberg. And I love looking at American Craft. It gives me such inspiration. And makes me think, hey, there’s a whole Family of Souls…just…like…me…

Thank you Crystal Bridges! For providing such an awesome place/venues/experiences !

Contributed by: pablo padgett
Created by: pablo padgett
Origin: Assemblage, found objects